Our Favourite X-Men Movie moments so far!
Did we pick yours?
By Alex Burns
There's plenty of reasons to be Xcited if you're a fan of Marvel's merry mutants right now, 'Deadpool' is hitting theatres next February and the highly anticipated 'X-Men: Apocalypse' is arriving later in the Summer. Add in a Gambit spin-off film and Hugh Jackman's final Wolverine movie and you're really cooking with gas! So to revel in all the Xcellent goings on in the X-Men movie universe we are taking a look back at some of the coolest, neatest, sweetest and most fan pleasing moments in the film franchise so far. Now these movies are absolutely littered with awesome moments and easter eggs for fans but these are our top picks now let's suit up, take a seat in the X-Jet and get going!
Wolverine's Berserker Rage
The safety of the X-Mansion is seriously compromised in this sequence from 'X2' with the likes of senior team members Cyclops, Storm and Jean all preoccupied elsewhere the burden of protecting the young mutants falls to The Wolverine. The first X-Men movie touched upon Logan's savage nature but this set-piece took it to another level, Wolverine shreds, stabs and roars his way through Colonel Stryker's special forces and seriously pushes the PG-13 rating in doing so, it's straight from the comics and is fan service at the highest level.
Iceman vs Pyro
Bobby Drake and John Allerdyce have a seriously tense relationship, quite literally the cool calm guy vs the hot head motormouth. The two had their fair share of exchanges and disagreements during their impromptu road trip in 'X2' but when Pyro joins up with Magneto and his Brotherhood things finally come to a head at the end of 'X-Men: The Last Stand'. After an exchange of powers Bobby manages to overcome Pyro who had the beating of him up to this point, it's a visual treat and a sweet moment for good guys around the world.
Welcome to the X-Mansion
When Logan awakes after being rescued from Sabretooth's attack by Storm and Cyclops he finds himself being treated on an operating table by Jean grey, understandably Logan flips out and tries to escape. Logan bounds through the underground X-Men Base and stumbles into the school above. Upon meeting with Professor Xavier we are then treated to an awesome montage which showcases several X-Men easter eggs in quick succession, demonstrating how the mutants here are learning to master their powers for good. What a way to introduce this now iconic headquarters to cinema goers. Wolverine then meets the rest of the X-Men, calls Xavier "Wheels", flirts with Jean and grabs Cyclops by his collar, great stuff!
Quicksilver saves everyone
The stand out scene from 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' was Quicksilver showing off his super speed prowess when busting Magneto out of prison with Wolverine and Xavier. First off he steals a guards clothes and duct tapes the poor sap head to toe in the blink of an eye he then shatters glass by vibrating his hands to break Magneto free. He even nearly makes the big bad vomit when zooming out of harms way. It's when the group of mutants get apprehended by a dozen guards in the sprinkler soaked kitchen that things get really exciting. Once shots are fired we enter super slow-mo as Quicksilver sticks his headphones in and comes to the rescue and we get treated to an insanely epic sequence. The water drops in the air and ripple effects on people's face are top drawer FX. "Time in a Bottle" plays in the background as we watch the speedster divert the course of every bullet and position each guard to knock themselves and each other out, he's even got time to taste some sauce floating in the air! All that running must work up an appetite.
Magneto escapes Maximum Security
Magneto's cell is a thing of beauty and the perfect confinement for the master of magnetism. When we saw him imprisoned there at the end of the first X-Men movie a lot of people were scratching their heads trying to figure out a way the villain could escape. The solution finally came in 'X2' and it did not disappoint! Firstly, the set up to this scene is hilarious, Mystique flirts with a douchebag security guard just to drug him up and inject iron into his blood steam via his butt cheek. The security guard rolls into work the next day with a heck of hangover and after a slight delay going through security ends up face to face with Magneto who is so attuned to all metal he senses the iron almost instantly. What follows is a beautiful sequence where Magneto brutally extracts the iron from the security guard's blood stream and forms three iron balls which he then uses to destroy his plastic confines and murder the other guards, he hops onto a iron board and casually floats to freedom grinning ear to ear all the while. Unforgettable.
Wolverine vs Lady Deathstrike
"I used to think you were one of a kind Logan, I was wrong." Stryker's taunting farewell to Wolverine began an epic showdown between two adamantium claw wielding, healing factor equipped Weapon X projects that goes down as one of the best fight scenes in the franchise. Lady Deathstrike had already been shown to be pretty bad ass by this point in the movie but this scene surprised audiences and Logan as well as Deathstrike unveils a full set of adamantium nails and proceeds to jump all over Logan's face.
Wolverine gives her his best shots, stabbing her numerous times but it's just not enough, Lady Deathstrike takes the punishment and just gives a creepy smile before unleashing a flurry of cuts and stabs to Wolverines body that just do not stop! It takes an adamantium injection straight into the body to stop her and the look of remorse Logan gives her as she passes is a brilliant touch, one freak experiment acknowledging another and never wishing it on anyone.
Jean Grey Holds back Cyclops' Optic Blast
After the blast the water begins to swirl and rumble and suddenly Jean Grey emerges from the depths, miraculously revived. Scott can't believe it and as the two lovers reunite Jean says she wants to see Scott's eyes, Scott reluctantly agrees and removes his trademark ruby quartz shades. Jean uses her powers to hold back Cyclops' optic blast and show off his dreamy blue eyes for the first time. It's a neat moment that showed what lies behind Cyclops' visor and showed off just how powerful Jean Grey was as the super-nuts Phoenix. Sadly Cyclops is then promptly murdered by the love of his life and the less said about that and much of the rest of the movie the better...
Nightcrawler Attacks the White House
The opening scene from 'X2' is one of the finest moments in the entire X-Men franchise and also offered up our first look at Nightcrawler on the big screen and boy did it deliver. Nightcrawler heads into the White House and uses his powers of teleportation to devastating effect, disarming and knocking guards senseless. Nightcrawler's incredible agility is awesome to watch unfold on screen as he vanishes and reappears quicker than you can react. The action climaxes in the oval office in a spectacular slow-motion shot showing off Nightcrawler's powers in fantastic fashion. Frankly it's criminal we haven't seen Nightcrawler reappear in later instalments, thankfully, he will be turning up again for 'X-Men: Apocalypse'.
Magneto takes Revenge
Erik Lensherr's quest for revenge on the Nazi's in 'X-Men: First Class' is one of the most creative and thought provoking character arcs in the franchise, early days Magneto has a bunch in common with James Bond, smooth and ruthlessly capable we watch Erik take down Nazi after Nazi with a savage mastery of magnetism. The best has to be the confrontation in the bar where Erik uses a knife with horrific efficiency to make amends for his families treatment in the war, it's a tense and gripping scene that is all kinds of rewarding.
Jean Grey vs Cyclops
In the final showdown at the Weapon X facility Jean Grey comes up against her boyfriend Cyclops who is under the influence of mind control and has instructions to kill. What ensues is a super powered showdown where we see just how powerful Cyclops' optic beams are once let off the handle, the ground shakes and military vehicles go flying as Jean tries to hold back the blasts. The final optic blast is spun wildly out of control by Jean's power and causes such a shockwave that the dam cracks and that my friends, is the beginning of the end...
The Phoenix
After Jean sacrifices herself to save her fellow X-Men, the credits roll and we see our not-so merry-right-now band of mutants come to terms with the loss of their fallen team mate. Comic fans had a feeling that Jean wasn't gone for good though and that feeling was rewarded when we saw a golden glimmer under the flooded remains of the Weapon X Facility, the Phoenix was rising. The promise of the Phoenix appearing in the next X-Men movie was a seriously epic moment for fans, unfortunately The Last Stand wasn't the film we hoped it would be but still, what a tease.
Logan v Shingen
NThe Wolverine' was mixed bag overall but it did a heck of a lot more for Logan's character than 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' managed. In terms of showcasing Logan's expert fighting prowess and savagery not much has done better than this showdown with Shingen. The tone and lighting is perfect and the choreography is top drawer. This scene showed what the movie could have been if it had stayed away from giant samurai robots...
Everyone Dies
The final action packed sequence in 'Days of Future Past' is an emotional rollercoaster as we watch the sentinels overcome some of our most beloved X-Men and they meet their demise. Magneto's speech in the background and the emotional score perfectly capture the mutant struggle and then we stare wide eyed as the deaths begin. Watching Storm get so unceremoniously dispatched was tear jerking and who's gut didn't wrench when Colossus was ripped in half?! Thankfully Mystique's actions in the past undid all this horror and we got a glimpse of the future with the original X-Men all present and most importantly; alive!
So that's all, there are so many more moments that we just couldn't fit in here so let us know your favourites there's bound to be even more epic moments in the upcoming 'X-Men: Apocalypse' in the meantime keep it locked at Cape and Cowl for everything Superhero!
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