Thursday 11 May 2017

Hellboy Movie Reboot Details Revealed

Hellboy Movie Reboot Details Revealed

A Darker Vision

By Franco Dioniso

A new Hellboy movie is in development and we've got some cool new details to share with you all. Hellboy creator Mike Mignola announced the project on his official Facebook page earlier this week and since then we've learned that Millennium Films is in negotiations with producers Larry Gordon and Lloyd Levin to reboot Dark Horse Comics property. The film’s working title is Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen.

Director Guillermo Del Toro previously helmed two Hellboy films featuring actor, Ron Pearlman, in the titular role, both movies were received well by critics and performed modestly at the box office. There had long been hope with fans that a third instalment would continue Del Toro's adaptation but the director himself recently scuppered any notion of a third film and with the announcement of this reboot, it's crystal clear now that there will be no third entry.

We also have a bit more information on the darker tone of this reboot compared to Del Toro's movies courtesy of screenwriter, Andrew Cosby, check out his comments when speaking with Silver Screen Beat.

“I can’t really talk about specifics with regard to the story, which they’re keeping a pretty tight lid on at the moment, but I can say that this is a darker, more gruesome version of Hellboy,” Cosby said. “Neil said from the very beginning that he wanted to walk a razor’s edge between horror and comic book movie, which was music to my ears, because that’s what I was shooting for in the script, and precisely what Mignola does so well with the comics. Honestly, everyone has just been working overtime to bring that Mignola magic to the big screen. The script is done, but work will continue as we move forward, always trying to make it the best it can be.”

Mike Mignola also previously confirmed director, Neil Marshall (The Descent, Game of Thrones) will helm the reboot and an early casting announcement of actor, David Harbour (Stranger Things) as the horned hero himself.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project, we'll be discussing the news in-depth on our next Cape and Cowl Cast, huge props if you decided to subscribe and if you'd like to share your thoughts and feature on the show, drop us a message here or our Twitter.

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